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The Thrill of Trading
I recently wrote a piece touting the importance of market timing as a lead up to my upcoming webinar. The primary focus of the article was the idea that time targets are complimentary to price targets, and as such more fully equip a trader. In my mentoring of other traders, through the years, and certainly […]
I get my edge from timing
A basic premise of technical analysis is that all information one needs is contained in the price. By extension, each and every day and in fact each and every moment, a market’s price composed of a time and a price component. In other words this space/time or more specifically price/time continuum of energy is what […]
To predict or not to predict, that is the question.
As humans and certainly as traders we are obsessed with predicting. I guess we as a species have an intrinsic uneasiness with the present. From time to time I am reminded of the almost cliche concept of “living in the moment”. Our intrinsic restlessness makes the attainment of this state, at least for some, a […]
Market Math
The concept central to technical analysis is that price is the outward expression of all factors fundamental, be they known or unknown. The short version of this idea is that “price discounts everything”. Acceptance of this notion, compels a deeper look into price. On various levels, price can be interpreted as a number. Any given […]
Near Term Trades
Optimally, my analysis projects junction points in the energy curves of a market, which enables me to isolate turning point zones that act as edge domains. Both numerical and geometric analyses are employed to delineate these profit zones. In environs less than optimal, I’ll consider and utilize any approach which might isolate alignments leading to […]
“Extraordinary Popular Delusions”
This coming Saturday, I’ll give a webinar. The theme of this presentation will I hope, outline the informational spaces between different markets(AKA, inter-market analysis). Considering the behavior, of the reaction space, between one market and another, sometimes allows one to infer something about either one or both of the boundary markets. My approach in acquiring […]
The No Inflation Trade
It is no accident, that I’m not a fundamentalist. The abstraction implicit to the technical approach, aids and abets my natural taciturnity. The idea that price discounts everything (known and unknown) appeals to me. Abstraction, also generalizes, which in turn allows for very economical application to a spectrum of domains. Since I’m not inclined nor […]
Action and Reaction
Some things are immutable. The idea that when a force is applied to something, that something in turn applies an equal force but in the opposite direction, being one of them. I don’t need Elliott wave to know that silver prices ascended from March of 1993 to April 2011. From that point a bear market […]
Time Series Analysis in Market Forecasting
Turbulence is inherently complex. The complexity of financial markets arises due to two factors. First, they are dynamic, and as such are described by more than a single equation. Second, they are nonlinear, which means that whatever equations are involved, they are complicated by the presence of exponents. Furthermore, we don’t even know what the […]
Markets approach critical point
W.D. Gann stressed the idea that “When time has come, then and only then will a market move”. More deeply his insights point to the equivalency of time and price as superficial markers of energy. Current calculations suggest that time is running out for various financial sectors to reach critical resonance points correlated with directional […]