SuperStructureTrading™ eBook and Videos: $299.00
- Learn the Exact Steps to Quickly Qualify a good trade to a Super Trade! [SuperStructureTrade]
- How “NOT” to enter a BAD Trade and Save YOU from loosing money!
- What Lagging Indicators don’t really reveal to you! What not to USE!
- Pinpoint when the trade reverses and know how big the trend is before Pulling the Trigger and ride a big profitable Trade.
- Why Trend Strength [Not Volume] is the Key confirmation to a reversal. Short or Long, and mapping how big the ride is before entering a trade.
- The correct and only Fibonacci Combo that you will ever need in any market, in any Time FRAME!
Bankable Profit on your trades!
- Have fun Trading AGAIN! Remember the first winning trade? You can have them again. Repeated daily!
- For your convenience, Ken explains all 6 chapters in the Video Companion to the eBook.
- He goes over in details all the diagrams and charts found in the eBook.
- You can now understand the SuperStructureTrading concepts clearly and quickly by watching in video format.
- Plus FREE Bonus: The “Butterfly” Video
Chapter 1. Trend Strength Structure
Chapter 2. Structures Working Together
Chapter 3. Fibonacci Ratios
Chapter 4. SuperStructure Trading
Chapter 5. Case Studies
Chapter 6. Partial Patterns