Can scientific parapsychology contribute to the field of financial forecasting?
The Market Technicians Association group on LinkedIn posed the intriguing question: “Can scientific parapsychology contribute to the field of financial forecasting?” This essay describes my experience with H.A.R.V. – Hybrid Associative Remote Viewing in trading. PARAPSYCHOLOGY IN TRADING I dabbled in Remote Viewing several years ago. The market related version I learned was labeled H.A.R.V. – […]
On of my favorite trading groups I belong to on LinkedIn is all about traders’ psychology. The group leader posed a multi-part question concerning the uses and value of Technical Analysis (TA). Having traded with TA for nearly 30 years, and mentored other traders with TA for nearly 14 years, I have some strong opinions […]
Mentor Mike’s Last Market Movie of 2013
This Market Movie recaps my real-time trades taken during the past week. This will be my last posting for 2013, but I’ll be back on duty on Monday, January 6, 2014. Market Movie video play button Today’s Chart Here is a screen capture of today’s chart showing the real-time trades I took using my POV technique. Please click […]
Mentor Mike’s Screen Capture Update for Thursday, 12/19/13
This screen capture updates my personal S&P Emini trading progress through Thursday, 12-19-13. Today’s score: 10 – 0 and $11,690.00 net; cumulative score: 130 – 7 and $64,874.50 net. I will trade 67 contracts tomorrow for my last trading day of 2013. I also did a little more Elliott Wave practice, so you will find a second screen […]
Mentor Mike’s Screen Capture Update for Wednesday, 12/18/13
Today was Day 2 of a 2-day FOMC meeting. I found time for one good 3-target trade that finished shortly before the Fed press conference. This screen capture updates my personal S&P Emini trading progress through Wednesday, 12-18-13. Today’s score: 1 – 0 and $3,513.00 net; cumulative score: 120 – 7 and $53,184.50 net. I will begin trading […]
Mentor Mike’s Screen Capture Update for Tuesday, 12/17/13
This screen capture updates my personal S&P Emini trading progress through Tuesday, 12-17-13. Today’s score: 7 – 2 and $1,608.50 net; cumulative score: 119 – 7 and $49,671.50 net. I will begin trading 52 contracts next time. Today’s S&P Emini Chart Here is a screen capture of today’s ES chart showing the real-time trades I took using my POV technique. Please click […]
Mentor Mike’s Screen Capture Update for Monday, 12/16/13, and Why I Mentor Other Traders
These screen captures update my personal S&P Emini trading progress through Monday, 12-16-13. Sunday night’s score: 1 – 0 and $918.00 net. Today’s score: 5 – 1 and $2,358.00 net; cumulative score: 112 – 5 and $48,063.00 net. I will begin trading 51 contracts next time. Why I mentor other traders After Saturday’s webinar I received an […]
Emotional States (Psychology) and Trading
Psychology is the science which studies mental processes and behavior. This discipline may focus on the individual or a group. One such behavior, which individuals and simultaneously as groups humans engage in is trading. I maintain that mass psychology informs and directs individual psychology. All possible mental states, arise from vibration. Accordingly, the serious investor, […]
Mentor Mike’s Almost-Yearend Webinar, 12/14/13
Here is the video link to my latest webinar:
Mentor Mike’s Screen Capture Update for Friday, 12/13/13
This screen capture updates my personal S&P Emini trading progress through Friday, 12-13-13. Today’s score: 4 – 0 and $5,179.50 net; cumulative score: 106 – 4 and $44,787.00 net. I will begin trading 47 contracts next time. Attention, Real-Time Traders! Don’t miss “Mentor” Mike Bridges’ ALMOST-YEAREND WEBINAR – UPDATE, REVIEW & REVEAL! Saturday, December 14, 2013, 9:00 […]