Trend Analysis
All forms of technical analysis are arbitrary from the standpoint of attempting to indicate what should or could occur. They are also arbitrary to the extent they attempt to anticipate a change in the market’s behavior, say from moving up to down or vice versa. The one exception to this is a certain pure […]
The Trend is not Always Your Friend?
Today on the CNBC TV channel, an old time trader and newsletter writer Dennis Gartman was very bullish on metals and bearish on the US Dollar. It sounds to me like a promotional script to attract the public to follow the trend. Is it time to respect historical levels and be a contrarian? […]
Positioning For Collapse
Today’s trade in the June S&P continued the advance which came on the heels of the key reversal bottom which formed this past Monday. This three day advance fits perfectly with my expectation for the trend to reverse at the 4/22-4/23 time target. The post yesterday explained procedurally that I would expect the move to […]
“Hi-yo, Silver! Away!”
Silver is now approaching the January 1980 peak of $50.20 per oz. Traders who follow historic data will watch this level carefully. To be a Lone Ranger and pick a market top, you will need a mechanical timing trading tool. This is what I discuss in my webinars. Happy Trading.
Red Alert Continued
The strength we saw in the major equity indices today is more consistent with the market forming a top as we approach time targets of 4/22 and 4/23. Based on the notion that the market low that formed two days ago on 4/18 represents the start of a new thrust upward, the expectation is that its run […]
Preparing for a Winning Trade
The two most important questions I ask myself when I analyze a price chart of any time interval to find trading opportunities are: trend direction (easy to see) and trend strength (critical to know). Knowing the answers allows me to choose one of two basic trade entries. I can either trade with the trend when […]
Market Red Alert
Attention-Attention!!! Abrupt and Extreme move to occur in the Stock market this Friday(04/22/11) and/or Monday(04/25/11). More than two months ago a number of factors began to indicate trend reversal for April 22, and April 23. When I derive a weekend target such as Saturday 04/23, I necessarily look at the Friday before and the following Monday. […]
A Fairy Tale
Once upon a time, many eons ago,there lived a young man, who lived in the district of the “Dark Side”. His village was so named, since it was widely believed that no one could predict the future. Being a young lad he found this quite sad and at least quite peculiar. For what was obvious […]
The Importance of the Exit Strategy
Having specific trade entry and exit rules are imperative to successful trading. I feel the exit of a trade is far more important than getting in. Many “guru’s” gloss over or ignore this topic. I have found that the combination of candlestick formations, Fibonacci extensions, regression channels and my proprietary application of the daily version […]
Intra-Day Time Projection
The charts of the 5 minute e-mini show a precise application of a geometric time projection I made earlier this morning. The use of a circle drawn with its center at the bottom at 8:15 and its circumference point at the high of 8:40, projected a time target of 12:05. The second chart shows the […]